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1112 photos
Looking back through a portal in time, vintage and present-day New York City (and other areas) as seen then & now.

I have been doing this project, on & off for the past 16 years. And continue to add when I find a match.

Click on the Slideshow button to the right for a better visual & audible experience.
Adams Street, 1940sAdams Street, 2019Bethesda Fountain, 1920sBethesda Fountain, 2020Delmonico's, 1907Delmonico's, 20162 White Street, 19242 White Street, 20223rd Avenue & 28th Street, 19303rd Avenue & 28th Street, 20095 Mott Street, 19055 Mott Street, 20115th Avenue & 60th Street, 19145th Avenue & 60th Street, 20095th Avenue & 61 Street, 19305th Avenue & 61 Street, 20096 Centre Market Place, 19376 Centre Market Place, 20096th Avenue & W 11th Street, 19386th Avenue & W 11th Street, 2009